Violations of the procedure for leasing out state property occur systematically in the territories of the republic.
For example, in 595 (38.2 thousand m2) cases in 2022 and in 581 (129.8 thousand m2) cases in 2023 due to violations of the procedure for leasing out state property, the balance holders were charged rental fee in the amount of (1.8 billion UZS) twice exceeding the amount for the period of use of state property.
On this basis, in order to prevent violations of legislation in the field of state property lease and strengthen responsibility, the Law (No.933) signed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 19 of this year, made additions to the Code of Administrative Responsibility.
The Law signed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 19 this year (No.933) amended the Code of Administrative Responsibility and strengthened responsibility for violation of legislation in the lease of state property.
Сurrently, leasing of state property without concluding a lease agreement in accordance with the established procedure, unreasonable obstruction of the lessee in accepting state property for lease, entry to the territory of the object of lease relations and its use, or leasing of state property with incorrect indication in the lease agreement of parameters and quantity of leased state property, results in:
- imposing a fine on officials in the amount from 5 to 10 basic estimated units (from 1 million 700 thousand to 3 million 400 thousand UZS);
- in case of repeated commission of a similar offense within one year after application of an administrative disciplinary measure, imposition a fine on officials in the amount from 10 to 15 basic estimated units (from 3 million 400 thousand to 5 million 100 thousand UZS).
Adoption of this Law allows to prevent violations of legislation on leasing out state property and to ensure inevitability of punishment for offenders.
The Law comes into force from the day of its official publication.