Central Apparatus

Turayev Farkhod Batirovich

Advisor to the Director on issues of spiritual and educational work and enforcement of the legislation on the state language

+998 (71) 259-22-72

Ohunov Shokhruh Bakhodir ugli

Head of department for preparation for privatization and privatization of state assets

+998 (71) 259-20-23

Nabiev Tulkin Nabievich

Head of department for consolidate information and analysis on strategic planning, methodology, coordination of the activities of structural and regional divisions

Kurbanaliev Sanjar Sabriddinovich

Head of department for the provision of corporate relations in enterprises with state participation

+998 (71) 259-21-73

Mamatov Odiljon Abdugaparovich

Head of division for maintaining state assets records

+998 (71) 259-22-12

Abdujambulov Ilyosbek Muminjon ugli

The head of the information service – the press secretary of the director of the Agency.

Radjabov Baxtiyorjon Muxammadjanovich

Head of the division for coordination of appraisal and realtor activities

+998 (71) 259-20-95


Division for insolvency proceedings

Sulaymanov Fayzulla Xabibullayevich

Head of division for implementation and digitization of information and communication technologies

Gaziev Ulugbek Ubaydullaevich

Head of legal division for contractual legal relations and litigation practice

Gafurov Murodjon Rakhimjonovich

Head of division for maintenance of the fund for management, transformation and privatization of state assets

Kadirova Saltanat Mirbasidovna

First sector

+998 (71) 259-22-68


Head of sector for development and management of human resources

Safarov Bekzod Ulugbekovich

Head of international cooperation and World Trade Organisation affairs sector

+998 (71) 259-22-83

Isroilov Dilshodbek Rustamovich

Administrative manager

Alibekov Timur Abdumukhtorovich

Head of sector for the internal audit service

+998 (71) 259-22-47

Rajabov Abdubanno Khoshimjanovich

Head of division for anti-corruption and compliance

+998 (71) 259-22-44
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